Twitter / emswazzu

Monday, December 17, 2007

Rant ~ Malice & Hypocrisy

Mean dark twisty words. For sure.

I don't like them. They piss me off.

Malcontent of heart turns your spirit to stone IMO.

Hypocrisy, leads to bad policy, bad feelings, and bad practice.

Both of these are relevant in our daily lives, in politics, in our every move.

I do not get being mean to destroy. What the fuck is the point? I mean, yeah, I am a bitch...I have my evil moments. But real meaness, with out true bearing on reality? Malice out of boredom, that is meant to truly hurt? This pisses me off. I cannot help it. Get a grip. Live how you want. That is the right of the individual. But I truly believe that do unto other stuff. And Karma. She's a bitch. Just sayin...

So what has set me off? Turn on CNN. Review the world. There is much greatness. I will not lie. But, the individual ugliness, cannot be ignored.

The world is what we, each and every one of us makes it. For every negative turn, I take my own actions responsible. But, yes, there is a but...But, I have empathy. I may think someone is a bitch, ass, etc...but I try to see their side. Why, why do I give a fuck? I have no idea. But, I refuse to judge others for petty trangressions. To me that illustrates the practice of malice and hypocrisy, all rolled up into one.

Do 2 wrongs make a right? Sadly, no. Thus, cracking on someone's ass, just because you "think" they have done you wrong, well it is petty, and it is small. Ok, maybe it is huge. But it is not productive. Productive is solving things, working for something, creating things, promoting things. Productive is not tearing things down. That would be called: destruction.

While destruction may have it's attraction, it is without a next step.

Sleep well, and make love not war.

~Hypocritical Bitch

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Am I famous yet?!?!

Find me and you win.........a gold star...

This was on Canada! lmao...yes, I crossed borders to see an Aussie Canada!

Less likely to make me "famous"(as if the other is moreso! lol)...just youtube, no tv...praise be:)

Am I a *star* yet?!?!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Reality Blurred

What is reality?

It is no secret we have become obsessed with celebrity culture. The more than a decade anniversary of Princess Dianna's death reminds of this in no uncertain terms.

Ratchet that up a notch? Try reality TV. Where we put "real" people, in front of the camera, to be consumed by the masses. It's a great profit for broadcast...much lower overhead than scripted tv, etc. But is it dangerous, healthy, or good TV? I think the answer is yes, yes, yes! Sometimes, more of one than the other, but...

And I am not preaching here...I am a huge fan of some of these shows. And am meh, about many others.

My favorites over the years ~ MTV's pioneer series: The Real World (ha ha!), Rockstar, The Hills, Rock of Love, Project Runway... There have been others...but those are the ones I still watch! (new / old). Arguablly the most popular over the years have been Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother, American Idol. I have watched the latter 3 some, and recognize their success. Remember some of the others: The Bachelor, Joe Millionaire, The Osbournes, The Newlyweds(lmao, didn't work out so well after, eh!?), Road Rules, etc, etc.

All of these things have created a new kind of celebrity. Talented or not. What it has also born, is a new type of fan. Or maybe it is a new level of fanaticism. Again, not counting myself out here. If anything, being a fan of some of these folks, I think it gives me unique insights...And I am nothing if not critical of myself! Know when thyself is crazy, ya know?

So anyway, to my point...and yes, I do have one!

What has this new "reality" done to us? It seems, in some cases is has let these "real" people right into our living rooms. I think the TV star(scripted) has always inserted itself more deeply into our consciousness than the fabulousness of the movie stars...that seem just out of reach. But, it would seem that these "real" people bring us in, just a bit closer, no?

We learn all about their lives. Their foibles, their fears, their inner demons, their dramaramas... We see what we think is their "true" character, revealed to us on these series. And for the truly enamored, read: somewhat obsessed(again, include me right here!), there is an element that pushes all of this one step further... Cyberspace! So, take the equation: "real" people + edited for entertainment drama only + fans that read and post about your every move...what does that equal?

It equals a hyper "reality" . But is any of this real? Take one of my favorite shows in the aforementioned: Rockstar. I loved that show. It is so accessible in my opinion. Rock music. Hot musicians. Colorful, fast, spectacular. (We won't lament here that they have not renewed it for a third season--wahh!). But it wasn't just music. It included, in addition to live performances... a peek into the weekly trials of the competition, "back at the mansion". Great, great TV. And they had great material. The first season's winner, featured that too cute bad boy: JD Fortune from Canada. The second season, the skunk hair faux hawked Lukas Rossi, also from the North, eh. Add in the bunch: other would be rockstars, all tattooed, fighting over songs, calling each other out, saying one wanted it more than the others, others thinking they were better singers, and weekly excessive voting by the viewing masses... Freaking good TV.

Anyways, what goes with this, is that we think we know these guys. There are sites all over the internet on all these shows...dissing various people/contestants (on the competitive shows), lamenting their choices, and in many cases, carrying on into the post show. Folks send them gifts, etc. Fans meet these "real" people, and ask them questions about their personal lives. Judgments are made, movements are tracked. What was once saved for stalking the celebrities is now, the obsession, with these "real" people, as if we know them and are friends with them.

It is crazy. Fun crazy sometimes, but crazy nonetheless. Now, don't get me wrong, I have met, so many fabulous people, being part of a fan community. I have enjoyed live concerts with folks that know how to party like nobody's business! And yes, I have met some of these "real" people, from the TV! It has been a great ride, I will not diminish that.

But...but, it is so strange! That I know, who someone is dating(or doing, lol) when it is not public knowledge(read not in any tabloids), have corresponded with folks about some would say scandalous goings on behind the scenes. It is weird, when I see live, in front of my very eyes, folks acting as if they are 'owed' something from these "real" people, because they have supported them, because they know their birthdays, because they gave them gifts, because they paid alot of money...because they show off their boobies............................

When you see folks practically throwing down to scratch and claw their way to look into the eyes of these people that were introduced to them, or reintroduced to them via this medium, of reality is so strange. When folks use cyberspace to promote their cracked agendas, and their alternate realities about these "reality" tv personalities... It's as if, we, the people, the fans, forget, these people are REAL.

They are not a "character". They are simply human beings, that sure, have used TV to further themselves. But, that does not make them my best friend, and it does not make them need to tell you how their mom or dog is. They are not our friends, they are not our family. They are actors, doctors, singers, etc, that came to us, presenting a condensed version of themselves, that was then edited to a "reality" story, that producers wanted to show us. That is not "real" ...that is TV.

Blurry, isn't it? That's life...that's, "reality".

For what more drama these "real" folks can blur themselves into obsession with, read:

The shows, are getting more freaky! And I hate to say it, but maybe, so are we!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Less is More...

Check the 19 show, singular recap(s)...

They don't call it INXS for nothing...

Monday, September 17, 2007

It really is ALL about

Ha ha, yes, my blog, my words, my bitching;)

Well, this one moment...I am going to publish the fine words of one of my most creative cyber friends...from the UK he jumps into the den of inequity we wrought... one guess the;)

Life Thru A Lens

[{(I say this in parenthesis
For she's a girl you cannot miss!)}]

Attitude to life so big
Snapping shots of BINX and Twig
Photographic lens so long
It catches in her boy's thong

Multi shots and posts prolific
Protests many are too horrific
No one cares, they just want crack
When from a concert she comes back

Technicalities aside
To telephoto or just go wide
A lens and SD cards to choose
Batteries that never snooze
Going up to 18X
Climbs Mount Olympus then whines
Blury shot my boy looks gaunt
A steady shot of him I want

Obscure comments...(LOL)
despite which she's still proud
To be a moderator of fun
And pinch somebody's hot BINX bun
Gotta post; update her blog
Reviews of who she'd like to snog
Computer nerd of highest order
I think she's nearly crossed the border
Insanity and so much fun
For 13K, when it should come...;)

by the most adorable INXSer I know...

For more of his words of wisdom read here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love, Lust or ... ?

Which will I find?

So, I am a single gal in the city...

I have tried online dating half heartedly, I admit., yeah, signed up! ....been there, done that!

Eharmony.... who can finish that grueling personality survey?!?!? eeps!

So, I just posted a personal ad on Craigslist, Seattle... I figure, what can it hurt... minimally, it could be amusing....

Here is what I wrote:

Are you tall? You must be tall...I like to wear heels...humor! - 34

You must get my humor..........and not hate that I overuse ellipses; they are irresistible. I love the city, and hope you do is a beautiful fun place. Music...must like music...rock is my favorite--love live shows. Travel...traveling is gets you out into the world...everyone should have a passport...Pretty soon, if you don't, you won't even be able to go to Canada...the horror! I love photography...that is random, but true...I am learning to shoot a SLR as we speak(well not this very second, as I am writing, but generally). Are you real, or a figment of someone's imagination? Does that sound like a ridiculous question? It is. You should be smart, normal, tall, dark and deathly hot...well, at least tall. I like to wear heels after all. I am a nice gal, I hope...I like people who are cool and want to have a good time. I am as serious or not serious as needed... Would love to meet anyone. No fuss, no muss. I am low mainenance (read not demanding) but like nice things, nice places, and nice people...I have a dry sense of humor...and have even been called a smart alec on a work review(?)...I like to think I am pretty...but really, who am I to judge...a troll to some, a goddess to others...a reflection to myself. The facts: I am half latina, half reality a mix of many different things. I am single. I am 5' 6". I am not petite, rather a girl with a real figure and curves...if you like model slim I am not your girl--I want to feed the hollywood girls some cheesecake...but I do not have to shop in special stores, or sizes... If you must know what I look like...those are my feet...a view on the beach where I would love to be...And myself in S Korea last year...the last, is me...self portrait...I can provide other pics on request...I would expect the same courtesy. If you have read this far...well, you know the drill...

I was feeling amused with myself, clearly...not sure anyone will 'get it' or me, for that matter.

But ya know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I once sent an email off to a guy on match, and his response was that we lacked chemistry....uhm, ok... we never met... EVS!

I now have an email full of responses. I fear a little what type of responses I will have gotten. But remember, humor cures all worries.

The answer to this blog coming soon! Pray I live to tell about it;)

Friday, August 03, 2007

*New* MOLI page...

Check it!

It's a pretty cool new networking site, currently in beta...

I like the ability to add multiple pages to my main profile page...the drag and drops and the RSS feeds are its coolest features thus far explored...more soon...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I am RIGHT! You are WRONG!

There is a time to fold 'em, time to walk away, time to run...

This is my time to blog.

Adventures had... Peoples met... Crazies witnessed...

Recently, I have been feeling a bit under the weather, and more than a tad punchy...

You know, I have issues. I have issues letting things go, when I know I am right. That the 'right' thing to do is to just let it lie...I want to say NO....listen to me! See...right here, I am right! LOL...that is not always the best strategy. But the pull of it is SO strong. I am an arguer at heart... I want to take on everything said, especially when I feel it is simply incorrect. I think it is the logical side in me... 2 + 2 = 4 ....if you say it doesn' makes me twitch! Yes it does!

In this world....there are many opinions...I am fine with arguing those...there may be ones I like better, but I don't feel like I need to convince everyone to mine. However, facts... facts like equaling 4... those are absolute. I don't like not arguing that to the end. But, sometimes, the satisfaction of 'being right' is not worth the drama it takes. I have a hard time reminding myself of that.

It's like those emails, discussions, forum debates, holiday dinners....or whatever, where you are arguing a know exactly how many records were sold, what year someone is born, or who was in the Orange Bowl last year... but others are adament that they KNOW. All of those things have absolute answers.

So really, let's just stipulate...RIGHT now...

I am Right! Go Left.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rockstar, the music, the hotness, 2 years past...

Rockstar, what a great TV show we had the last two summers? I am sad that it is not on this summer, perhaps next year?

Anyways, what I am thinking about, right now, is all the music I have rediscovered and found through this show.

Season one, Rockstar: INXS... The first time I turned it on, I was like, wow, this isn't as tacky as I figured! LOL...I had already fallen out of love with American Idol, and was happy to hear, what I considered cooler songs being performed. And, and...I was happy to hear / see folks that weren't so clueless, that they actaully knew what they were doing on stage...and a band actually playing. Such a great show.

Oh, yeah, and those old boys on the couch...I vaguely remembered them;) So that was INXS nowadays,eh? Sans Michael of course. I still remember flipping through the channels, landing on MTV, that Novemeber in 1997, and hearing Kurt Loder tell us, the charismatic front man of INXS had just died of an apparent suicide. Honestly, INXS was no longer on my radar in 1997, but I remembered them from Highschool/college years. I still have Kick in the old casette collection. I wasn't quite sure why they had decided to go on TV, now, in 2005, but, whatever, great show.

Something interesting happened that summer. I fell in love with music in a whole new way. The performers kicked ass on stage, performing some of the coolest rock tunes. And, I started listening to INXS again...I was surprised to find, I still really enjoyed their music, moreso, I think I appreciated it more than I ever had back when. I had a few random tracks in my CD collection, and went out to pursue the rest of the collection. It was a combination of nostalgia and discovery, as I heard songs I remembered, and discovered new ones, to me, that I had missed when they had fallen off my radar musically. By the end of the summer, I was suddenly, more concerned that they pick the right person for this job, than just enjoying the awesome performances. I wanted to see them live.

Fast Forward, eighteen months later, and I was pratically their groupie, lol...sixteen live INXS shows later... Their music, if possible, was even way cooler live. Apparently those dudes on the couch, the summer of 2005, could actually really play! Ha ha...And, they had picked the guy, that I had initially thought was a bit of a pretty boy punk...who totally could sing their songs exceedingly well. Well done boys. Great times were had.

(for more Marty Casey / Lovehammer pics click HERE)

Lucky for me, the other guy that I had really liked during the run of the show, beyond just great performances, Marty Casey...INXS had invited his band on tour with them, so I was lucky enough to see him live as well. Saw them a total of 4 times. Such fun. Honestly, while I had loved the show, the performances...refallen in love with INXS, and gotten to see them and the Lovehammers live, the rest of the artists from that season, pretty much fell off my musical radar. I never went to seek out their stuff. Well, I did actually get to hear a couple of tunes from Tara Sloane I liked...I honestly never cared for her on the show, but at least one of her tracks I still listen to...that kind of snuck up on me. I did see Deanna Johnston live in Las Vegas in January 2006, after the INXS show. She is a petite little thing, with a huge ass voice. I have a huge respect for her after seeing her live.

What that summer of 2005, did for me, more than anything, more than INXS...was re-awaken me to music. I mean, I had an Ipod, I listened to music...but I was anything but focused on it before that point. Now, all of the sudden, I had this desire to see music live...had actually seen a single band perform multiple times...inside of a year...nutty for sure. So, what came next is even more interesting. Summer 2006 swung around, faster than we can say G-R-O-U-P-I-E(or J-A-S-O-N if you prefer;), and the new season of Rockstar, was upon us.

This year, the incarnation was dubbed, Rockstar: Supernova. It was to be a supergroup of sorts, gathered in part for the purpose of the show, a Tommy Lee project it seemed. Gilby Clarke and Jason Newsted joined... Hey, I was never huge fans of these guys, certainly didn't have the memory of their music in my braincells like I had INXS... But, I knew, I had first loved the previous summers show, for the performances, and the music, so I watched. It was a very different season. I think the musicians were more edgy, perhaps because of the band that was seeking this year. I wasn't sure I loved what I was seeing performance wise on the TV...but, since I was very defintely more interested in new music now, I looked up what these artists had been up to leading up to the show...And oh my god, there was some serious good music to be had! Honestly, it changed how I watched these folks on screen this summer. I had started to get their cd's and explore who they were as musicians. I really liked their edgier styles too. I think I am really a rock girl at heart, even if I do have alot of kitchy pop sitting as some of my all time favorites...

The first performer from the show, that introduced me to now, one of my favorite bands music, was Phil Ritchie...noodly, bobble headed, loose lipped(apparently) Dirty Phil Ritchie... His band Lennex had 2 indie CD's out prior to Rockstar, and a new EP out by midsummer(just after he got the boot from the show)...I love, love love their sound. They have such a varied set of music through their CD's...ska influences, rock, alternative...rythm, catchy melodies...edgy rock. Altogether, I was so pleased to have discovered another band, even if it wasn't the one hosting the show! A treat, they were for me.

I really loved their sound so much...and since the last year had taken place, I thought nothing of traveling ot see live music that I liked...I popped over to Maryland in September of 2006 to see one of their live shows...they are based out of the Maryland area...It happened to be their CD release party for the EP released that summmer. Oh my good live. Seeing the guy from the show, up in front of his own band, with a crowd that loved them behind me...and music that I had recently discovered...blaring...very cool. They have made a fan of me for life I think. Nearly a year ago now, and I hope I can get to see them again sometime soon.

Just before going to Maryland to see Lennex...I got to attend a Rockstar taping...yes the TV show, live! I had become good friends with some of the local Southern Californians that were regular spoilers/attendees of the show, and they got us passes in. I am so grateful. What a cool experience. What you see on TV is not like what you see live. LIve is always, always, always better. The energy, the off mic commentary, the stuff that end up on the cutting room floor...all of that does not make it through to the TV audiences. At this point in the season, most of my favorites had left. Most recently Ryan Star...the hot (did I mentio HOT) dark brooding 'dark horse'. I was a bit sad, but had made a pact to see him live eventually. So I figured, I generally admired who was left, and this would be a cool peek in.

Who was left: Magni, Toby Rand, Dilana, Storm Large, and Lukas Rossi. They were all really good. The most fun was probably Toby. The most surprising for me was Lukas--I was surprised his voice really was better live than on TV. But the most stunning...I was shocked. Storm freakin Large. Holy Hell. All six feet of her. I am not a huge fan of female rockstars, I admit, so perhaps I had not given her a fair shake that summer, I don't know. But that week, when I saw her live, first performing Sufragette City with Dave Navarro, and next her own composition, Ladylike...for the first time ever, I truly got chills, goosebumps almost. It was mid taping, I was like this is cool. But, in my estimation, when Storm took the stage, the room exploded. Ah, now I get it! The chick is balls to the wall engergy, with a stunning voice. I would bet, she could get on stage with anyone and match them. It was that week, that Storm got added to my must see live again list from that season.

So, I had seen a taping, been to see Lennex live...who was next. You guessed it, yes, that enigmatic Dark Horse, the uber hotness that evaded my taping attendance...Mr Ryan Star. Ok, yes he does have big ...uhmmm feet(my friend, that was not my first focus--but I do believe the boy is 'proportional')...Anyways, I got to see Ryan in San Diego--he almost evaded me again, since his live date here in Seattle was to be while I was out of town, but where there is a will there is a way, and I managed to see him live, in one of the cities I rediscovered last year. During the summer, I had bought his independent CD, Songs from the Eye of the Elephant(long title) and I knew Ryan had a good hand at songwriting.

I mentioned he was super hot, too, right? Yes, I am shallow. He is hot and talented, and that is more than enough to make me want to see for myself. He performed acoustic, a one man show...It was interesting. I would love to see him live with a band. I think he has so much to offer musically, artistically, and just let's admit, visually. Next to the definition of tall dark and handsome, is a shot of Ryan Star. Yum. His Live Dark Horse CD that he recorded, post show, with the backing of the Rockstar Houseband(amazing), is a great CD. I can put it in and just let it loop. Ryan, besides his already mentioned uber hotness, has this tortured voice that just grabs you, and you know, listening or seeing him live, he feels the music. Very hot.

Did I mention while I was talking about Lennex, that Dirty Phil is super hot too, lol...just thought I should stipulate, to my own shallowness. It should not be overlooked.

Ok, so year in Rockstar post season two, is still going, it is November, who was next... well, get this, the House Band from the show is touring with Paul Stanley...yes, the lead singer of KISS, lol...Sign me up. They are fabulous musicians. I had bought 3 of their CD's-from Rafael Moiera, Nate Morton, and Jimmy McGorman, while I was down there at the taping, and have since bought another from their bassist's(Sasha's) other band Clock. These guys are pure musicians, whether listening to their individual CD's, or seeing live, or on your TV screen, they are just stunning. They are just superb, some of the best pure musicians in the business that I have ever seen. They are hot too. Just sayin...

But hey, I am not ALL about the hotness...I did say I had become a fan of Storm? She is beautiful granted...I envy her this. She is this magnificent amazon that I wish I could be, lol... I got to see her and her band, Storm and the Balls(SATB) live in November of 2006. She is somewhat local to me, based in Portland, so I knew seeing her was always going to be easy, and after seeing her live at the taping, I knew I would make it to her shows in the northwest. I first attended the one in November in Way more stunning in person, with her own band, doing her own stylized music. It was 'her thing'...She is just more than the covers she did on the show. Their music, is a combinations of mashups of covers, new music, and just a crazy good rocked out time. She is bawdy, engergetic, bigger than life. I also got to sit in on an interview with her, and that increased my admiration for her even more. Her and the balls, truly cool cool people. That's one of the things I had experienced this last 18 months, after having met most of these artists I had gone to see....they are just really cool creative people. I wish I had their talent.

I went to see Toby's band, Juke Kartel in December. Toby, a fine specimen, no doubt, has a rowdy crew of rocking Aussies (he is Austrailian after all)behind him in this band. They are really good live musicians. Full of energy. I especially like their guitarist, Todd Burhman. He is hairflipping yumminess. I think, they have a rocking good time on stage, and their fans seem to quite enjoy. I am not sure their music, specifically is to my taste, but I wish them well.

I would see Storm each time she has come to Seattle since, in February of this year, and just this last week. Her new EP, Ladylike, side 1, is out, I picked that up. She worked on it with some help from the House Band in LA, has the guitar featured Dave Navarro version of Ladylike on it. A nice set of tracks on this EP.

But it was this other one that I would finally come to see. Just last weekend, I finally saw the winner of the show, Lukas Rossi again - the first time since the taping I had attended. He is currently touring acousitically with one accompanyist. I would estimate that the band from the previous summer's show seems to be over, but whatever. I was never much of a Lukas fan, unlike his masses...but he makes it to Seattle, just blocks from my house, so I would of course go.

His new music, is pretty darnend good. I picked up the 4song EP. I think he is another of those truly talented songwriters that the show Rockstar, has presented us with. He does wear a bit more make up than anyone I know, male or female, but EVS(tm Toby), lol. I often don't care for some of what he does with his vocals, but on balance, I think his voice, when just playing/singing, rather than prancing like a crazy person across the stage, is rather lovely. His music, and lyrics though, prove to me, that he is a true talent. He says he is forming a new band with parts from his previous bands. I think I will keep an eye on them.

So what is next? Well, believe it or not, I am commencing another groupie vacation to see my beloved INXS...and who will be in Ottawa the night before we see INXS? Storm and the Balls! LOL...not only is she local, but clearly, she is stalking me! I kid. A whole crew of us are going to hit the SATB show on the 12th. I am excited for all those that have not seen her live yet. Of course the next 3 nights, it is all INXS freakin Canada. One more time, this tour(I swear) I will see them in Southern California, with my magnificant crew there...much fun will be had, much music will blare, many *doubles* will flow.

I would still like to see my MiZtreZZ, Zayra Alvarez...but alas, I have not heard much from her after the end of last season. I do have her last CD, Ruleta II. It is quite good. I will order whatever else she puts out there.

Here is what I still have on my ipod from the Rockstar performances, season 1 & 2:
Wish You Were Here - Marty Casey
Lithium - Marty Casey
Baby Hit Me One More Time - Marty Casey
With Arms Wide Open - Marty Casey
Don't Change - Marty Casey
Trees - Marty Casey
Everlong - Marty Casey
Creep - Marty Casey
The Letter - JD Fortune
California Dreamin - JD Fortune
Come As You Are - JD Fortune
Hand In My Pocket - JD Fortune
YOu Can't Always Get What You Want - JD Fortune
What You Need - JD Fortune
Crazy - JD Fortune
This Time - JD Fortune
As Tears Go By - JD Fortune
Man Who Sold the World - Jordis Unga
Losing My Religion - Suzie McNeil
Smoking Umbrellas - Phil Ritchie
White Rabbit - Phil Ritchie
Jenny (867-5309) - Zayra Alvarez
Razorblade - Zayra Alvarez
Not an Addict - Zayra Alvarez
All the Young Dudes - Zayra Alvarez
Everybody Hurts - Zayra Alvarez
Losing My Religion - Ryan Star
Paint it Black - Ryan Star
Back of Your Car - Ryan Star
In the Air Tonight - Ryan Star

Here are the CDs I have bought from the Rockstar artists:
Ladylike, Side 1 - Storm Large
Hangin with the Balls - Storm and the Balls
Lennex, self titled
For the Sake of Simplicity - Lennex
Part Math, Part Euphoria - Lennex
Songs from the Eye of the Elephant - Ryan Star
Dark Horse, Live - Ryan star
Love & Lust - Lukas Rossi
Ruleta II - Zayra Alvarez
Marty Casey & the Lovehammers, self titled

And of course...
Switch - INXS
Switch, Austrailian Edition (including 4 live tracks) - INXS
Shine Like it Does, Anthology - INXS

All of this said, done, and fun still to be had, I have re/discovered lots of other new music...but Rockstar, the tv show, and these amazing artists, they were the catalysts. They brought me to the joy of live music, and together with friends I have met through on line mediums. Music, is truly a lovely thing.



Sunday, June 10, 2007

Black and White Flowers in Seattle

00_bw_Seattle_06102007_078, originally uploaded by emswazzu.

>>The Set on Flickr<<

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Return of The Police - they're back baby, back!

The Police, 2007 - Key Arena - Seattle, WA


Set list:
1-Message In a Bottle
3-Spirits in a Material World
4-Voices Inside My Head
5-Don't Stand So Close To Me
6-Driven to Tears
7-Walking on the Moon
9-Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
10-Wrapped Around Your Finger*
12-Murder by Numbers
13-De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
15-Walking in Your Footsteps
16-Can't Stand Losing You
End Reg Set

Encore 1

18-King of Pain
19-So Lonely

Encore 2
20-Every Breath You Take*

?'s - still working on figuring out...
* - brief video clips, mainly of the video screens where the show was being projected bigger than life, ergo, my wee little camera could actually capture it...sound is so so...raw...small mic, big sound, lol...

Commentary by song (can you believe I actually took notes?!?!?!):

4-Voices Inside My Head - assuming this song is the right title...anyway, this one had the most amazing guitar solo, and extended instrumental...

5-Don't Stand So Close To Me - Slower arrangement/tempo than original, previous versions...this type of thing repeats itself intermittently through a few of the other selections this is not a good/bad thing, just different...changes the energy of the song, over all feel...

6-Driven to Tears - Beginning/opening notes, great guitar work!

10-Wrapped Around Your Finger - Cool additional percussion accessories come up on stage...

A wee of the video screens, lol...

12-Murder by Numbers - This was one of the bits where Sting told a bit of a story...he said, remember 1983? who remembered Jimmy Swaggert...Said that Swaggert had claimemd the Devil must have written this tune ...I think Sting was being sarcastic/tongue in cheek...Especially at the end...he said - Thank you Jimmy Swaggert, wherever you are...

14-? - not sure the name of this song yet...still trying to figure it out...But what was truly compelling in this performance was the intermixed video images--with the live looked to be a war torn Iraq, or other some such country...children, people amongst the rubble, soldiers, tanks, food, just lots of images...I am not sure they were trying to make any sort of statement...I think it might help if I knew what song it was...What I did find interesting, compeling, and that while alot of artists/singers/performers take concerts to speak out...The Police simply used their own song, and excessive commentary...I think this was the perfect combination of art and commentary...wish I knew what the song was!!!

15-Walking in Your Footsteps - A back drape/screen came down(sorry folks in back) and images of animated dinosaur skeletons played along in the back ground...I thought it was cool...more killer guitar solo...

17-Roxanne - right before this song, Sting talks to the Seattle audience, about just getting here, and how they had spent time in Vancouver(where their previous shows just were), and what/where they should check out here...This version was very much extended(alot of songs had extended instrumentals as well)...meanering instrumentals...before final climax and...

...another video of the video screen clip...

End Reg Set

Encore 1
18-King of Pain - Pre-song, faux bickering between the band members...most folks know, the bad has a history of not getting along...the boys seem to take that in fun on all least I hope so!!! It seemed playful...more additional percussion/chimes come up on stage used in the sound...

19-So Lonely - This song, of all, was the most 'islandy' total, I was surprised by how much reggae/island bouncy sound The Police catalog actually has in it...I mean, I have their songs...but listening to them live for a whole set, it really jumps out at you in a big way...especially in how they arrange for these live versions...

Encore 2
Every Breath You Take clip...

...eventually, the end...

Altogether...I was impressed...I was surprised by the excellent guitar work, interesting percussions...and how cool the sound was for just their 3 pc band... Glad I was surprisingly a relaxing type of show...I think it was the island flavor I think their live set had...I felt like we could have had this out at the beach w/some fruity drinks...or perhaps by the pool...

Their overall stage production, I think was kept simple, clean...and I appreciate that...let the music do the work...where there were some small extras, they added to the overall bit, like the one video overlay, and the dinosaur bits...

Fashion, etc---I wouldn't forget that...well, the other two were meh...but could have worn that back in the 80's...perhaps he dug it out?? Skinny pants are back in, so maybe he gets a pass...and he had a lovely plain wht muscle shirt(pants were black btw)...showing off his extremely well toned arms...I have seen pictures of Sting from back in the day...when he was uber uber uber hot...he still is hot...but while I was content up in the stands now...judgeing by his demeanor...and imagining his past uberness, I can imagine, had I been old enough back in the day, wanting to lay down the cold hard dough for a spot up front...hell, I could probably deal with it now.........but alas...I was there for the MUSIC!!! LOL;)

Hope everyone with a show coming, truly enjoys them!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Velvet Aftermath...


I feel like I was just fucked every which way to sunday..........and NO not by the band....shame too, because there was some definite hotness onstage...

Seriously, I feel like I was in a washing machine or some such madness, was the crowd...this wins for roughest crowd of my life...hardcore...out of control, weed fuming madness...

And NO crack getting to be got...serious security, just feet away...thankfully...they threw more than one person out...unfortunately none of whom were responsible for practically crushing moi to death!!!

I think this show, in particular is reason # 448 why, ems does not want to reduce her 3rd person, I know...its late...but FUCK...had I been 50lbs lighter(better wt) I do not think I could have held them off...

Ok, all that madness said...VR rocks-REALLY HARD---they are that CLASSIC rock band---balls to the wall bravado loud killer music...Scott is a sinuous freak...quite striking on stage, if a bit beyond magnificent on guitar...most of night less than 3 ft from me...felt like he was playing just to me all night---bwah--in my dreams! The hottie that surprised me, due to ignorance...was the blond locked bassist...yum--that would be Duff...he really was yummy...

Scott was shirtless most of the night, often featuring a captains style hat...with the lowest of low slung pants...V well displayed...Duff in leather vest...that was a bit abbreviated, showing off his slender but extremely defined build--and V...encore, Duff was shirtless as well...mmmmm....

And despite the no smoking indoors laws...this did not stop our classic Slash, top hatted, ciggy smoking, killer riff playing...and the man, looked to have the most impressive package on, I couldn't help it...I did, in fairness, try to check em all out! bwah...

And boy did the boys sweat...they were all dripping...

I suppose I could comment more on the most of what they played I did not recognize, though they performed it very well...they had 2 encores...multiple songs each...during one of the encores....they played Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here...the guitars were mad good...Scott was sensitive, quiet, and still really sexy...

Holy hell, I am spent from the attention was totally split and fried between the killer crowd, and the dripping rock hotness on stage...

Very odd show for me....I feel like I just woke up in someones bed, after a night of excessive passion, yet can't even remember my name kind of shocked awe of the show....very weird, crazy night...I think this is what they mean, by ROCK AND FUCKING ROLL...

Velvet Revolver: hot fast loud crazy wild...ROCK hotness....

Friday, March 30, 2007

2007 Concerts, the First Round: Daughtry, Storm & Dude w/Big Head!

Daughtry 2/6/2007 @ Neumo's

Pictures for the show are all >>Here<<


What do I have to say about this show…here were the first impressions I posted on Rockband Lounge after the show:

Show fucking rocked. He made the right choice to turn down Fuel.He was way toorock for AI. AI did not show his true presence and talent. While I preferred
him, over the rest of the AI bunch, I never thought he was that great from a rock perspective. Tonight totally won me over. I am really glad I went. We will not be seeing him on a small club tour again, it was a once around chance I think! You know, as much as I am not a fan of idol, he got alot more exposure on that show than say Rockstar. And, he is using it in the best way possible. I think he totally has cred. This was a straight rock show. Oh, and he did a couple covers in addition to the album songs. One notable one was Sunday Bloody Sunday. They rocked the shit out of it just right. I was impressed, and I am a U2 fan, so, that is saying something. Of course, it made me really want to see U2 as of these days.

My thoughts after a month…not so different. It was a really good show. Daughtry, and Chris as the front guy have IT. They have a serious fanbase, thanks in large part to AI…but what they definitely have is a guy who can straight up sing…and front a rock band. That is the bottom line, and will be a very successful combination. I wish them much success and I will see them again, given the chance.

Storm and the Balls 2/24/2007 @ the High Dive

Pictures for the show are all >>Here<<


I posted a bit from the show at >>Rockband<<. These were my thoughts:

Just saw Storm and her Balls, lol, in Seattle...and they were so good. The most impressive bit of the night was this italian song she sang a capella. Her voice is so, so strong, pure and just outerworldly. The lady has pipes. She sounded like full opera singer quality, vocally. It was stunning. Wow.

I later found out the Italian song: “O Del Mio Dolce Ador”. Per Storm, posted at the Ballz Board

Roughly translated , it is a song of desperate longing for someone who is credited with keeping breath in the body of the one who loves her ... ie ..
without her , he dies , so , when she dies ... of dyptheria or something poetic and awful like that ... he's going to the happy place and his love for her will be in his last breath ... "Al fin respiro....."

I love the Italians ... besides my bias towards one in particular ... they really know how to eat , fuck , live , love and die . Mmmm .

The set list per the Ballz board was:
Set 1:
1. Brain Stew
2. Brain Damage
3. Star Strangled Pushernoia
4. I Want You To Die
5. Missionary Sandman
6. Beautiful
7. Abba-Gadda-Davida
8. Tainted Love

Set 2:
9. New rocking original song
10. Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?
11. Hopelessly Devoted To You
12. Ace of Spades
13. Ladylike
14. N.I.B.
15. Where Is My Mind
16. Heartbreaker
17. Sweet Homie Mutha Fucka
18. ?

19. Song in Italian sung a cappella
20. Total Eclipse of The Heart

Big Head Todd & the Mondsters 2/28/2007 @ the Showbox

I only took a few photo's...

I was totally unfamiliar with this band. My biggest impression is that folks that are fans *love* them. It also looks like a really cool fan community...the band seems to encourage folks planning big gatherings, etc. So, if you are a fan, and they are in town, GO GO GO to their show. Everybody in the place (21-60) was having good time, and rocking out!

My pics of them are >>here<<, more may get loaded.

So that is the first quarter! Blue October on Sunset Strip, sold out show tonight!

Goo Goo Dolls tomorrow!

So, much more to come!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Don't Fuck with my Mellow - Rant #2

So, what kinds of things are sticking in my craw right about now?!?!?!

LOL…eh, so much to choose from.

First, this is my place, so I can talk about whatever the fuck I want, so I will...if you don’t like it, you can just click away to another place…good, we understand eachother, xoxo ;)

That same consideration I give to have your own myspace, blog, whatever, you do whatever you want…it is yours. I won’t tell you what you can do with it, if you should, shouldn’t moderate it, track it, delete it, make it private, whatever…it’s all yours baby.

Me, well most all of that shit, is too much trouble. Can I have a tracker…hell yeah! Do I? Well that’s my business! Lol…But honestly, all that stuff is more trouble than its worth mostly…What it does teach you, is that there is little to no way, that anyone is truly anonymous. I am not, I don’t really ever try to be.

But, I also hold no illusions.

Do any of us really? If I really want to know you are you, well some of us will meet, some of us not. For those of us that don’t there is a giant leap of faith we take. In the end, though, it matters not.

Cyberspace is a wonderful, crazy, dangerous, exciting, amazing place. We get to chatter w/folks from around the world, from all walks of life. Doesn’t matter if you are famous, or exceedingly common, or even DULL! Of course, folks will impersonate and represent themselves alternately through this medium. This is part of the ultimate craziness.

Do I really care about this? Not really. Do I ever pretend to be other than myself out there? Sure, it is fun. Do I care if you do? Not really. Do I care if you share space with someone and say you are them, and them you? Oy! Tres confusing. But your thing , not mine! Some call this cyber fraud. Whatever. If you are a frog, and pretend to be Prince, lol…well, at least use a nice picture! If you are a goddess and pretend to be an Adonis……..well…uhmmm, you have your own issues! If you are a real person, and are portraying an inanimate object……..just play it REALLY still. Just sayin;)

OK, then….

So what else is there…well, I have been privy to….alot of interesting information recently…..about all sorts of folks………eh, it’s entertaining…but then so is E! News, and People magazine.

Reality, I don’t necessarily care who is fucking who, who is impersonating who, who is cheating on who, etc, etc…………..but….but it is funny to hear about, sometimes. I find it amusing, really, those that get overly caught up in it………..that want to have a say, in say, some famous person fucking someone else. Uhmmm, lol, if it is not me they are fucking, then it probably doesn’t matter what I really think about it……….unless one of the 2 parties is calling to ask my advice, lol….and so far, that only happens w/the closest of close friends, lol……..

You know, if any artist, singer, dancer, movie star, decides to date the funniest looking person ever………..with the most disgusting job ever……..whatever… they are both having a good time. Not my issue…just sayin….that said, I might find it amusing if you tell me about it…but it does not effect my state of mind…..though sometimes other peoples craziness…lets face it…….helps make us all feel a little more sane. That is why the Enquirer, has such high circulation……….That and the space aliens……

Ok, now …let me not beat too far around the bush…………..I have been reading all over the internet recently, a few people that are all BENT over a few chicas that are all up in their Boytoy’s interests……….SHOCK! lol….quells……..

Peeps…this is not new!!!! Girls DO THIS. Lol…I mean, seriously! I have talked to lots of significant others of folks in the music industry this last year……….they are, mostly all cool people….I do not know them, but they have all been polite…whether I have met them face to face or chatted w/them via email through some research I was doing on said artist.

I have talked to family members, band members….all cool peeps. SO’s are just an extension of this. Many have been very active on their mates sites, message boards, etc….some are artists or musicians themselves……..others, are just there, doing whatever for their Man or Woman, as it were…. It’s all good peeps.

And big FAT evs to any of you that give a rats ass about anyone that has impersonated anyone. That’s right… WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?!?!?… most of the folks I have met in person, are cool. What goes on in cyberspace…it is just crazy as I said above. I really hold no expectations of it.

I am all for promotion of artists and their respective talents. Let’s do what we can. I am also all about amusement and fun…………….. tell me shit, I will lmao w/you…. Snark about someone’s hair, yeah baby, you know I am there… tell ME ALL ABOUT how they sang song after song to YOU looking into your eyes the whole time, BWAH… it’s all good.

The rest, if you are just about this land of cyber, to complain, or yank my chain about your agenda……..well, I might listen, or I might tell you to fuck off. That is MY prerogative.

Love Baby Love. Don’t fuck with my mellow.

Doubles for EVERYONE!


Monday, March 05, 2007


It is not confirmed yet whether or not CBS is bringing back RockStar this summer.

We can't let that happen! We got a great band back with RockStar:INXS, as well as JD, Marty, Suzie... We got to discover many great artists with RockStar:Supernova... Lukas, Toby and Juke Kartel, Magni, Dilana, Storm and her balls, Ryan, Josh... (and let's not forget Dirty Phil and our MiZtreZZ Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!)

And most notably with both seasons, we discovered the talented musicians of the House Band... Jim, Paul, Nate, Rafa and Sasha. Those guys rocked our TV for both summers, and we love them for it! Without the TV show, most of us would have never heard of them or of their music.

The vast majority of us would have never heard of those all those talented people if it was not for RockStar!!! We need a third season! We need this great show on our tv this summer again!

If you want to help bring back one of the best reality tv show to CBS... Please write them a note and post it at the following address:


Ghen Maynard
Executive Vice President
CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles , CA 90036

Or to email them, go visit the following link and fill out their form: CBS

Please please please please please!!! Do this once or twice a day for a month or so... CBS won't be able to ignore all the mail and emails they'll receive!!!

Another great idea is to send them one LETTER (not email) per day for 30 days. You can send emails in addition, but how much more of an impact will it have on them if they get MANY letters in the mail each day, asking for RockStar to be back on the air this summer?

For more information on the Letter Writing Campaign, check out this thread at

With everyone helping, we just might get another season of RockStar!

Also, spread the word! Copy and paste this into your blogs & bulletins and let all of your Blog & MySpace friends know that we need their help!

On a personal note, do it for me! I must have more ROCKSTAR...more, more, more!


Friday, January 12, 2007

New Years Rant... Being mean, Hypocrisy, Friendship, etc...

So, there are many outlets these days, for all of us to say our piece, right? Well, hell, this is my blog, so, eh, I am soooooo, going to say it here!

Continue to read at your own risk. Not for the faint of heart. Also, this is not a hearts and flowers bit, as I am more prone to. This is just a bit angst filled, so again, proceed at your own risk. This is me ranting to myself. I am not sending this to anyone, you will only read this if you are making an effort to. Additionally, this is not directed at anyone. Period. Alot of stuff has just set me off lately, so I am just going to go off on some stuff that I think here...

- I am sick and tired of folks being holier than thou. WTF!??!?! Live life as you mean it, don't preach to me, what you think I am doing wrong. Worry about your own choices, behavior, actions, etc.

- Being mean - there is no excuse, if you are mean, fucking own it. Am I a nasty ass bitch sometimes, yeah, probably. I am cool with that, and I own the consequences. That said, don't make excuses for others that are mean, rude, etc. We all have to live with our own actions. If you do something that hurts someone else, be careful, karma is a bitch, it might come up and bite you back on the ass! That said, please becareful! This can become a viscious cycle...

- Hypocrisy. Do I really need to go on? Well I will anyway. We see this in politics all the freakin time. I see it daily, in person. The way people behave. Again, I think this goes back to owning what you do. Actions speak louder, etc. Don't say one thing, believe one thing, and then, do the other, act another way. Just freakin be consistent whatever you do. This is tough, even for me! But, it sure makes more sense. Just sayin;)

-You don't have to like me, and I don't have to like you. This is the biggest issue I have with some folks. The need to 'be liked'. You know, I don't like everyone...and I really don't want everyone to like me. We are all different. That I accept. Sometimes, some of us do not see eye to eye, and will never converge on the basics. That is cool. Those folks do not need to be my enemy, but they sure as heck, do not need to be my friends either.

- Friendship. I have friends that I have been friends with for over 20 years. Gee, am I getting old? I also have friends I have met in the last year. I love you all. I value you all. I am extremely loyal. If you ever need anything, I will be there for you. I expect the same thing in return. If you have a problem with me, come to me, don't be passive agressive, don't bitch about me to someone else. Also, I don't choose between friends. Sorry, just doesn't happen. I don't fight with friends either. It is simply not worth the drama. I accept that my friends, like myself, are not perfect. But you all are fun, and decent, good people. Lets just respect each other, and carry on.

Ok, so the brunt of my bitchiness has worn off...maybe more will come to me later? LOL...I hope not, but you never know. Over an out for now. I hope everyone is having a good day;) See, I am a hearts and flowers, kumbaya chick! Really, I am ! (what the fuck ever, eh?!?!?!?!?)

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I am a financial systems analyst by day, and a music & event photographer by night...and weekends! You can see more at & my blog here... As well, I am just launching a brand new music site, at

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