Twitter / emswazzu

Monday, September 17, 2007

It really is ALL about

Ha ha, yes, my blog, my words, my bitching;)

Well, this one moment...I am going to publish the fine words of one of my most creative cyber friends...from the UK he jumps into the den of inequity we wrought... one guess the;)

Life Thru A Lens

[{(I say this in parenthesis
For she's a girl you cannot miss!)}]

Attitude to life so big
Snapping shots of BINX and Twig
Photographic lens so long
It catches in her boy's thong

Multi shots and posts prolific
Protests many are too horrific
No one cares, they just want crack
When from a concert she comes back

Technicalities aside
To telephoto or just go wide
A lens and SD cards to choose
Batteries that never snooze
Going up to 18X
Climbs Mount Olympus then whines
Blury shot my boy looks gaunt
A steady shot of him I want

Obscure comments...(LOL)
despite which she's still proud
To be a moderator of fun
And pinch somebody's hot BINX bun
Gotta post; update her blog
Reviews of who she'd like to snog
Computer nerd of highest order
I think she's nearly crossed the border
Insanity and so much fun
For 13K, when it should come...;)

by the most adorable INXSer I know...

For more of his words of wisdom read here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love, Lust or ... ?

Which will I find?

So, I am a single gal in the city...

I have tried online dating half heartedly, I admit., yeah, signed up! ....been there, done that!

Eharmony.... who can finish that grueling personality survey?!?!? eeps!

So, I just posted a personal ad on Craigslist, Seattle... I figure, what can it hurt... minimally, it could be amusing....

Here is what I wrote:

Are you tall? You must be tall...I like to wear heels...humor! - 34

You must get my humor..........and not hate that I overuse ellipses; they are irresistible. I love the city, and hope you do is a beautiful fun place. Music...must like music...rock is my favorite--love live shows. Travel...traveling is gets you out into the world...everyone should have a passport...Pretty soon, if you don't, you won't even be able to go to Canada...the horror! I love photography...that is random, but true...I am learning to shoot a SLR as we speak(well not this very second, as I am writing, but generally). Are you real, or a figment of someone's imagination? Does that sound like a ridiculous question? It is. You should be smart, normal, tall, dark and deathly hot...well, at least tall. I like to wear heels after all. I am a nice gal, I hope...I like people who are cool and want to have a good time. I am as serious or not serious as needed... Would love to meet anyone. No fuss, no muss. I am low mainenance (read not demanding) but like nice things, nice places, and nice people...I have a dry sense of humor...and have even been called a smart alec on a work review(?)...I like to think I am pretty...but really, who am I to judge...a troll to some, a goddess to others...a reflection to myself. The facts: I am half latina, half reality a mix of many different things. I am single. I am 5' 6". I am not petite, rather a girl with a real figure and curves...if you like model slim I am not your girl--I want to feed the hollywood girls some cheesecake...but I do not have to shop in special stores, or sizes... If you must know what I look like...those are my feet...a view on the beach where I would love to be...And myself in S Korea last year...the last, is me...self portrait...I can provide other pics on request...I would expect the same courtesy. If you have read this far...well, you know the drill...

I was feeling amused with myself, clearly...not sure anyone will 'get it' or me, for that matter.

But ya know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I once sent an email off to a guy on match, and his response was that we lacked chemistry....uhm, ok... we never met... EVS!

I now have an email full of responses. I fear a little what type of responses I will have gotten. But remember, humor cures all worries.

The answer to this blog coming soon! Pray I live to tell about it;)

About Me

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I am a financial systems analyst by day, and a music & event photographer by night...and weekends! You can see more at & my blog here... As well, I am just launching a brand new music site, at

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