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Monday, March 10, 2008

In Bruges

A beautifully disturbing film. I have to admit, I don't see many flicks with Mr. Farrell headlining...

However, I found this one quite interesting...that is when I wasn't (pleasantly) distracted by my date..........

But we will leave that for another time perhaps...

Movies...I really have gotten out of the habit of going in the last couple years...but I do love them...

Even bad movies have value. I love the escape, the far off is a bit like a 2hour vacation every time. Fantasy, comedy, drama, action...pure escape...bigger than life. It envelopes you...

Colin's character, in this film, did not appreciate the gloriously historic surroundings...though everyone else in the movie did...but then, he was but an inept hitman who really just wanted to get a pint and get laid...

I am not sure he ever got the second...sadly. Clearly, his character was not of his own clear charms(I mean how sexy is that Irish accent!?)...

Anywho, I would give this film *** stars...not the best, but very intriguing in its characters...definitley a character piece, not anything epic, nor earthshattering...but interesting and quirky...and oft times quite amusing.

Ralph Fiennes comes in for last portion of the funny...these hit men almost have a heart...but then, not really? Or do they? message? Go to the movies. They are the cheapest vacation you will ever go on!

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