Twitter / emswazzu

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Traveling to the Ends of the Earth...

So not the Ends of the Earth really... more like just a REALLY long plane ride(s)!

Current big 'expeditions'(and I use that term loosely as I am not a grand adventurer) on the agenda are: Seoul, S. Korea - this month, and Europe - Paris/Ghent/London - this fall ...

I was considering Australia (Oz), you know the Land Down of the Great Barrier Reef, etc...but alas, I think not... at least not this year. The fact that my primary motivation for that trip was to see INXS in concert in their home country for the first time in over a decade... well, that was ALMOST enough! I actually own tickets for those concerts this September...alas, I will have to sell them.

What you ask? You are going to travel to destinations that are BINXS free?? LOL...well...

Ok, so my South Korea trip is fully and completely BINXS free, save for my IPOD... My sister invited me to accompany her on said adventure, and I promptly cancelled 2 local INXS concert attendances to be able to fly off to a country where I speak not one word of the language. Aren't you proud of me?

Yes, well hold that praise! Don't think this Oz re-route to Europe is pure coincidence... Because... quell shock... The BINXS are going to be in Europe at the same time... and yes I already am the proud owner of a very french Parisian ticket to said event.

I am so transparent, lol.

And why did I redirect my BINXS chasing, world wide vacation exploring to another continent? Well, Paris is a shoppers mecca...and somehow, this excites me more than diving the Reef. I am sick! BINXS + shopping + Europe...pure bliss!

I am very excited about both my upcoming international ventures! First 2 items on my readiness list: extended IPOD battery, and the perfect shade of RED lipstick!

au revoir mes amis!

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I am a financial systems analyst by day, and a music & event photographer by night...and weekends! You can see more at & my blog here... As well, I am just launching a brand new music site, at

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